Outing in Kuantan

6:40:00 PM Syafy Syaf 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum, hi, hello, annyeong *wave my hand*

Today, Im going to write about my outing in Kuantan with my bff  :D
Well, actually this happened about 2 and half weeks ago, 06th of November to be exactly.
How come I'm going to write bout it just today? Haha, its because I'm active blogging just bout few days ago. I've spend about 2 days to re-create my template ~ Even da basi kan, I still want to post about it so someday I can throwback the memories *wink*

So, lets start!

First of all, im over excited that day. Why? Coz its the first time my father let me hang out with my friend from morning till dusk! We spent totally about 8 hours I guess? Yeah, freakin long right? Bukan selalu pun. hahaha xD

Skip skip skip, kita mula dengan aktiviti first kita orang. My father drove my friends and I to Berjaya Megamall,Kuantan. Sampai je sana, pandai2 la ko nak berjalan ke mana xD First kita orang buat masa sampai at mega, cari surau kat mana. Though, aku ni boleh dikatakan 'pelanggan tetap' mega, tapi ak x tahu kat mana surau. Sebabnya ak x pernah solat at surau mega! Tapi kali ni kena cari sebab kita orang memang da plan nak outing sepanjang hari! Da duk terpusing pusing tapi still x jumpa surau, kita orang give up. Fikir nanti la plak sambung cari, gi makan dulu.

Turun ke tingkat dua Mega and here we are, Seoul Garden !

 From left : Pqah, Fisah, Nad and Me ^^

Kita orang jadi first cust hari tu *grin* We spent bout 3 hours eating at SG <3 Kalau ikut x nak keluar dari situ, but since perut da x muat nak terima makanan lagi and nak buat aktiviti seterusnya, kita orang terpaksa la keluar :P 

After SG, break untuk solat jap then, movie time! We decided to watch Thai's horror movie, Under The Mask. Ingatkan seram, but nah~ At the beginning, the story flow quite boring coz its too slow. But still, we enjoyed it! Semua benda pun enjoy, maybe sebab 1st time keluar sama2 buat aktiviti macam ni xD Kalau x kejenya melepak at rumah ak, kfc, pizza or pantai. Quite boring right? Almaklumlah, Rompin tempat kita orang duduk ni mana  ada mall. Paling besar pun TM & Ten Ten. Sadis TT_TT

After that, we took cab and went to Kula Cakes. Pqah was the one who suggest this place. She found out this place form JJCM's insta. Disebabkan kami semua ni memang penggila makanan, so pergi je la, Lagipun tempat tu nampak cantik. And seriously memang cantik pun! Tapi sayang kita orang x ambik gambar sekeliling pun sebab segan~ Well, there still another time right ;)

I want to eat those cakes again! * drooling *

The one at down left side was the yummylicious one for me, Toblerone Cheese Cake <3

Dari Kula Cakes tu kita orang jalan kaki ke sungai. Yes, JALAN KAKI! KC and sungai x jauh, so x terasa pun jalan kaki tu. After makan kenalah excercise kan ;) Lepak at sungai sementara tunggu my father datang ambik. 

Enjoyed that day to the maximum. Thanks pada kawan2 yang giler2 and agak sekepala :D
Love to hang with ur gals again <3

So, this is the end I guess? hahaha. Sorry for the mix languages. I love to write in English, but not all people love to read in English right? So, yeah I just mix the languages~ Sorry for any grammar or spelling error. English is not my first language duh *big grin*

So, see ya~ Adios amigoes <3

Thanks for reading. xoxo

p/s : sorry too kalau ada typo. too lazy to re-read. peace yo